Artist at work...

Justin W
Production Coordinator
Gold & Platinumsmith

As are many fine jewelers at Green Lake, Justin is a self-described maker of things, crafting not just for jewelry but in wood and other metals too. Though ‘engineer’ may be a better word than ‘craft’ to describe how he approaches the jeweler’s bench; he’s building things with programmable LEDs and micro controllers in his spare time and cuts his activity in the workshop with modeling precise rings using a 3D parametric CAD program. A Bachelor of Fine Arts graduate from North Texas University with a focus in sculpture, Justin has been mastering the art of gold and platinumsmithing since 1999.

Did you know Justin worked for America’s largest jewelry company for over a decade? In our smaller workshop, however, he’s found more opportunity to pay better attention to detail and spend the time it takes to really make something ‘right.’