Real Custom Requires Real Artists...

Artists, Designers & Craftsmen

Chelsea K
Senior Designer | Online Design Specialist GIA Diamond Graduate AJP Available for Virtual Consultations Read More
Design Group Director Senior Designer | Seattle Studio Available for in-studio and virtual consultations Read More
Brant K
Gem Dept. Director | Gemstone Buyer Designer | Either Studio by appointment Available for in-studio and virtual consultations Read More
Rebecca P
Senior Designer | Seattle Studio BFA Jewelry Design | Metalsmithing RISD Available for in-studio and virtual consultations Read More
Brooke C
Designer | Bellevue Studio Available for in-studio and virtual consultations Read More
Ellen L
Senior Designer | Bellevue Studio BFA Cornish College of the Arts Available for in-studio and virtual consultations Read More
Sophie M
Senior Designer | Seattle Studio Bachelor of Arts, Art History Available for in-studio and virtual consultations Read More
Erich M
Senior Designer | Bellevue Studio GIA AJP Available for in-studio and virtual consultations Read More
Senior Designer | Bellevue Studio Parsons School of Design Available for in-studio and virtual consultations Read More
Christine D
Designer | Seattle Studio Available for in-studio and virtual consultations Read More
Hannah P
Designer | Seattle Studio GIA Jewelry Design and Technology Available for in-studio and virtual consultations Read More
Maddie T
Designer | Seattle Studio GIA AJP Available for in-studio and virtual consultations Read More
Marina G
Designer | Seattle Studio GIA Graduate Gemologist , JDT, AJP Available for in-studio and virtual consultations Read More
Sasha P
Designer | Seattle Studio GIA Graduate Gemologist, JDT Available for in-studio and virtual consultations Read More
Britt G
Designer & CAD Modeler | Bellevue Studio BFA Jewelry Design | Metalsmithing Available for in-studio and virtual consultations Read More
Vinh K
Growth & Development Coordinator Senior Designer Diamond Specialist Available for in-studio and virtual consultations Read More
Pia G
Merchandising Director Non-Bridal Buyer Available for in-studio and virtual consultations Read More
Dat Le
Shop Foreman | Seattle Studio Gold and Platinumsmith Gem Setter, Specialty in Hand Fabrication Read More
Robert L
Gold & Platinumsmith | Bellevue Studio Gemstone Setter, Fine Restoration Designer - CAD Modeler Read More
Alexis T
Greeter BFA and MA, Metals and Jewelry Jewelry Artist Read More
Gold and Platinumsmith Read More
Amy P
Gold & Platinumsmith Read More
Ayden T
Apprentice Jeweler Read More
Basil H
Gold & Platinumsmith Read More
Bruce M
Wax Carver CAM Technician, Specialty in Casting Read More
Chase T
Production Assistant Read More
Claudio V
Gold & Platinumsmith Read More
Dennis M
Gold & Platinumsmith Read More
Einar S
Gold & Platinumsmith Read More
Gold & Platinumsmith Hand Engraver Specialist in Hand Fabrication Read More
Jack H
Gold & Platinumsmith Read More
Janneke H
Production Assistant Read More
Josef B
Gold & Platinumsmith Repair specialist Read More
Justin W
Production Coordinator Gold & Platinumsmith Read More
Kathy K
Administrative Assistant Read More
CAD/ CAM Senior Designer Read More
Kevin C
Gold & Platinumsmith Read More
Wax Carver Read More
Gold & Platinumsmith Gem Stone Setter Fine wire filigree & Hand engraving Read More
Mac Q
Gold & Platinumsmith Gemstone setter Read More
Marc V
Bellevue Shop Manager Gold & Platinumsmith Read More
Wax Carver CAD/CAM and Casting Technician Read More
Nathan K
Gold & Platinumsmith Read More
Nayoung K
CAD Modeler Read More
Nikki W
Gold & Platinumsmith Read More
Gold & Platinumsmith Restoration and Unique Finishes Specialist Read More
Shayna E
Gold & Platinumsmith Read More
Tim D
Casting Technician Gold & Platinumsmith Read More
Tyler P
CAD Modeler Read More
Gold & Platinumsmith Specialty in hand engraving Read More
Yasamin Z
CAD Modeler Read More

Administrators, Media & Support

Isabella N
Administrative Assistant Read More
Kristen D
Administrative Assistant Photographer Read More
Lumi A
CAM Assistant Read More
Meryt M
Production Associate Read More
Samantha S
Social Media Lead Read More
Jim Tuttle
Founder & President Designer, CAD Modeler, Gold and Platinumsmith GIA AJP, MJSA Custom Design Advisory Council Read More
Production Director Senior Designer | By appointment only Founding Artist | Available by appointment Read More
Operations Director Senior Designer | By appointment only HR & Special Projects Read More
Technical Director Production system developer Network Administrator Read More
CAD/CAM Director Senior Designer | Seattle Studio MFA Jewelry and Metal Arts Read More
Russell I
Chief Financial Officer Read More
Elaine S
Gemstone Buyer | Seattle Studio Merchandising Diamond and Color Gem Specialist Read More
Jason G
IT & Technology support CAD Modeler, Gold and Platinum Smith, Gem Setter Read More
Lilianne S
Gem Lab Assistant Read More
Dana S
Jewelry Art Consultant Seattle Studio Read More
Lead Photographer Web Provisioning Read More
Lauren L
Marketing Assistant GIA AJP Read More
Alesha K
Production Manager Bellevue Read More
Claire H
Photographer Read More
Kristen B
Social Media Lead Photographer Read More
Zoe M
Photographer Read More
Wendy W
Bookkeeper Read More